Home Watch Services in Harwich, MA

Home Watch Services

Closing your home and leaving it vacant for several months is not only a daunting task, but can be very stressful, especially if you live far away. Meyer Landscapes has a team of professionals who are available to provide a wide variety of Home Watch services that cater specifically to your needs. Rest assured that your home is in good hands while you are away. We make it simple, by allowing our customers to select which services best suit their needs and how often they wish to have our team inspect their property, whether it be once per month, bi-weekly, or every week. 

Our Home Watch Services include: 

Exterior Inspections

Ensure all entrances are secure. Complete a visual check for evidence of forced entry, vandalism, theft or damage. Check outside faucets and hoses for leaks, remove newspapers, flyers, packages, mail and other evidence of non-occupancy. Our contracts provide more information about this service, which can be customized to your needs

Interior Inspections

Inspect for signs of theft, vandalism, damage or other disturbances within the home. Check that all windows and entryways are secure. Check security system is set and working properly. Visual inspection of all HVAC serviced areas for signs of pest or insect activity, and much more! Our contracts provide more information about this service, which can be customized to your needs.

Opening & Closing Services

Allow us to open up your home before your arrival, or close it up after your departure, so that returning home is completely hassle-free! Our contracts provide more information about this service, which can be customized to your needs.

Opening Service:

Turn on electric breakers, turn on all water mains, turn on water heater and ice maker, plug in electrical items, adjust A/C, open blinds. Contact cleaning service if requested.

Closing Service:

Empty perishables from the refrigerator, empty and turn off icemaker, close blinds, set HVAC system to away settings, unplug electrical items, turn off house water main, unplug or turn off breaker to the water heater, unplug washer & dryer, bring in containers, and check security of doors and windows. Contact cleaning company for a final clean by request only.

Emergency Services

We will respond to alarm notifications, inspect the property, and re-arm the system. We will notify the owner of any visible signs of intrusion or damage and send an email report of the incident. Our contracts provide more information about this service, which can be customized to your needs.

Pre-storm and/or Post-storm Services

We will send out an email alert if there is a Tropical Storm or Hurricane warning for the area. By request, we will check the property before the storm to secure the property, and/or after the storm to check for damages. Our contracts provide more information about this service, which can be customized to your needs.

Interior Inspections • Exterior Inspections • Pre-Storm & Post-Storm Inspections • Emergency Services • Opening & Closing Services

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